Diary of a Thin Hair Sister

I am right at the beginning of my sisterlocks 'journey' and very pleased and proud that I finally made the decision. Being a tad surprised (shocked?) at my thin hair, I thought that I would chart my progress and share my experience with a community of people both looking to start or already on their sisterlock voyage. (Do not make copies of my photos!!)

Friday, July 04, 2008

Finally, A Hair Question, or When DIY Goes Wrong!

So we won't figure out the battle of the sexes that quickly... but I do have a hair-related question:

What do you do about stray hair that won't stay in the lock? I have a few (maybe 4 or 5... ok, 7 or 8) places where a fair amount of hair is no longer in the lock. Now some of this is a result of poor DIYing on my part (the places where I had to pull locks apart that I foolishly combined). But some other places (like in the front) are due to hair that may be a bit more fine. Right now, I think that I will have to see a loctician again to have a proper tightening (I still can't do it as neatly as many locticians can).

So any advice on getting hair back into the locks?

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Blogger z said...

I have the same problem and sometimes i'll do one of three things:

1) Wrap loose hair around the root and then re-tighten so that it interlocks back into the lock.
2) If loose hair is long enough, i'll braid it onto the lock (I find that this one works the best).
3) Leave it alone because sometimes it's new growth in between locks, and then deal with it later.

10:06 PM  
Blogger blackrussian said...

I do the same thing as DD 1) wrap and interlock. Or 2) If you can stand to let it grow for a 8 - 10 weeks you can work it back in without wrapping - but I find I always have a little excess fuzz that I have to cut when I do this. Or 3) I'm not overly concerned about my parts so I've started 4 or 5 new locks this way - but I also had to wait about 2 months to have enough growth to do this.

9:57 PM  

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