Diary of a Thin Hair Sister

I am right at the beginning of my sisterlocks 'journey' and very pleased and proud that I finally made the decision. Being a tad surprised (shocked?) at my thin hair, I thought that I would chart my progress and share my experience with a community of people both looking to start or already on their sisterlock voyage. (Do not make copies of my photos!!)

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Sex and The City (In Another City)

Me sneaking around Oslo in this hat can only mean one thing:

I went to see Sex and the City! Although I did not expect to bump into anyone I know (going to see the movie in a foreign country assured me of this), I was slightly embarrassed to be at the movie theater to see this particular film. I know, I know, it isn't such a big deal, but I don't even admit to watching the show...

Beyond that, I don't actually enjoy going to the movies. I prefer to watch DVDs at home in part because I have trouble staying awake through a film, and also because I can pause, rewind, and use the bathroom. I am also the type of person who likes to talk through films and TV programs, so this habit really makes me unpopular in the theatre.

At any rate, I did go see the movie (after having a very pleasant salad and the most delicious bread at this French bistro) in public and with a sold out crowd of Norwegian women (and a few girls, to my dismay. The film is totally inappropriate for kids...). When people began to cheer and clap when the film began and when one of the protagonists acquired a dress, shoes, or a handbag, I knew I was in trouble. I did sit through the whole thing, though, and there are a couple moments that are truly hilarious. But if I were to say what is troubling about the film, I'd have to think deeply about my own fascination with it. And that would mean another dissertation chapter... (too tired)...

However, I will reveal the following: the character I looked most forward to seeing looked AWFUL!



Blogger blackrussian said...

I had lots of thoughts on the film as well, but posting my (negative) review would have required the admission that I had seen the film.

Much as I did enjoy the series, I could really only say that the movie was three years later and longer.

They could have done better. I am sure we were disappointed in many of the very same things.

10:04 PM  

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