Diary of a Thin Hair Sister

I am right at the beginning of my sisterlocks 'journey' and very pleased and proud that I finally made the decision. Being a tad surprised (shocked?) at my thin hair, I thought that I would chart my progress and share my experience with a community of people both looking to start or already on their sisterlock voyage. (Do not make copies of my photos!!)

Monday, May 31, 2010

New Hair Color; Everybody Wins!

I did it! Most of the comments to my previous post were in favor of a darker hair color. Most of the people who know me in person thought I should go lighter! I settled on something in between.

Check out the before (above) and afters!

We used two boxes of Ion permanent hair color. Darkest brown with golden highlights! We'll see when the golden kicks in... My sister worked through my hair, squeezing locks with the color solution to make sure that all of my hair was covered. The density of locks means that at least two boxes and thorough covering are necessary for the color to take. We kept the color on for at least 40 minutes before rinsing. I bought the Feria conditioner, which is the absolute best for color treated locks, or for dry locks. I continued to use the conditioner even after my first dye job faded.

I was very apprehensive about coloring my hair (mostly for fear of my hair looking dry or just crazy!), but when I begin contemplating cutting my hair into a bob, I know that it is time for some kind of change... Keep in mind that I have only colored my hair once in my entire life, and that I wore braids for almost 15 years (ya, I am afraid of hair changes!)!



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Blogger Daily Gazelle said...

your hair is really pretty! When my locs mature, I think they might be similar to yours in thickness. I'm assuming you latch (because it seems like all sisterlockers do); what rotation do you use? I'm currently using the 4 pt, but I'm thinking of switching to a 3 pt. I'm a braidlocker.


12:37 PM  
Blogger V @ Locks-N-Motion said...

Just Beautiful. Great picture poses!

10:13 PM  
Blogger Viajera said...

Your hair is amazing! Good job on the color. I don't have locs, but I think I need two boxes of color also, since my hair is very dense.

10:05 AM  

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