(note to self: not a good angle for minimizing thighs...)
Greetings from somewhere in the South! I had my first of what will be several campus visits this week, so that means all your prayers, thoughts, and well-wishes for the MLA had a very positive impact on my first round of interviews! I had a great time at the conference and really enjoyed meeting the various search committees as well. Such a great time was had by all that most of the schools have invited me for the final round of interviews!
The best part of the campus visit is that the school really rolls out the red carpet for you! Nice hotels, flights, and the best restaurants in their town are their way of making an impression on their finalists. This hotel was only ok, but I had many fine meals and a great time being in the South.
Part of my speech made a critique of "colorblindness" and the idea that we are now a "post-racial" society. It was wonderful to see that Southerners had no such illusions...
Otherwise, the pictures you see here are of post-interview exhilaration! I was so content to be back in my room alone (with no one asking questions) that I forgot to take proper pictures in my suit and looking scholarly. These pictures also show what the snow can do even to an overnight Soft Spike set! I have had to abandon the perm rods I loved to use before. Those curls only last 10 minutes now...

Labels: campus visit, hotels, interviews, Job market